Blended Family Estate Planning and Living Trusts (a.k.a. Inter Vivos Trusts)

Inter vivos trust

As estate and incapacity planning professionals, we are frequently approached by folks living in a blended family (a spousal relationship in which one or both spouses have children from another relationship). For folk in such situations, understanding the unique challenges of estate planning in blended families, with their intricate family dynamics and objectives, is vital.

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What is a Trust?

Trust account

A large number of the folks we advise first walk in the door wanting to talk about “having a trust,” “making a trust,” “using a trust,” or having an “in-trust account.” In our experience, very few people arrive with much of an idea of what a trust actually is or the basics of how a trust operates. Fortunately, we enjoy explaining such things.

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Discretionary Trusts and Spendthrift Beneficiaries


Sometimes, one wants to leave an inheritance to a beneficiary, but the beneficiary is not a person to whom large sums of money or valuable assets can be safely given. In a previous article, we discussed using discretionary trusts to provide for someone with a disability who might lose their disability benefits if they inherit too much. This article will discuss a distinct but similar question: How can I leave an inheritance for someone who cannot manage money?

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Estate Planning for Minor Children

Without a will specifying that assets destined for minors are to be held in trust for those minors until they reach the age of majority, the personal representative of a deceased’s estate may be obliged to pay the shares of the estate due to those minors to an entity known as the Public Guardian and Trustee.

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In-Trust Accounts

Nearly every day, our clients pass along estate planning suggestions they have been offered by well-meaning bank staff, friends, neighbours, and the lovely gentleman who takes great care of the lawn.

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First Time Home Buyers’ Program

The first-time home buyers’ program reduces or eliminates the amount of property transfer tax you pay when you purchase your first home. If you qualify for the program, you may be eligible for either a full or partial exemption from the tax.

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